where a children's librarian delivers the goods

Category Archives: Funny

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I love anything published by the New York Review Children’s Collection (here’s looking at you, Jenny Linsky), but this one nearly charmed me right off my stool as I sat in City Lights Books in San Francisco on a recent trip. What better place to be smitten, and what better book to get the job done?  It’s wondrous, hilarious and unapologetically absurd.

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Andy, a crabby alligator, is a reluctant friend to Preston, a young coyote pup. Find out what makes Andy even crabbier! They spend lots of time not catching rabbits, falling over cliffs, and trying to decide the difference between an owl and a bear. A perfect bridge between picture books and text-heavy chapter books.

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Meet Ace and Bub, the flying beaver brothers! Ace loves extreme sports and is always looking for a new adventure. Bub loves napping and, well, napping. But when penguins threaten to freeze Beaver Island for “resort and polar-style living,” the brothers put their talents to work saving their tropical island paradise. Can they save Beaver Island from environmental destruction? And can they do it in time to still win the annual Beaver Island Surfing Competition?

This hysterical series is loaded with exciting plot lines and lots of well-times blank stares. These books magically turned my son from a reluctant reader to a voracious one.

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Serving justice . . . and lunch!

Hector, Terrence, and Dee have always wondered about their school lunch lady. What does she do when she isn’t dishing out the daily special? Where does she live? Does she have a lot of cats at home? Little do they know, Lunch Lady doesn’t just serve sloppy joes—she serves justice! Whatever danger lies ahead, it’s no match for LUNCH LADY!

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 12.47.03 AMYou want more bunny, you got it!  Here’s the sequel to Mr. and Mrs. Bunny—Detectives Extraordinaire!

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In this hilarious chapter book mystery, meet a girl whose parents have been kidnapped by disreputable foxes, and a pair of detectives that also happen to be bunnies!

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B.J. Novak has managed to create a riotously funny picture book with NO PICTURES.

Click HERE to watch the author read it to a crowd of delighted children.  Truly hilarious.

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In the spirit of Jack Prelutsky and Shel Silverstein, seriously funny poems with wonderful rollicking rhythms to read-a-loud.

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Is he or isn’t he a vampire?

Before it’s too late, Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth about the newest pet in the Monroe household — a suspicious-looking bunny with unusual habits…and fangs!

Hilarious, suspenseful–a complete delight.

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Don’t miss out on this year’s well-deserved Newbery Medal winner.  Your life in not complete until you’ve met Ulysses, the flying, typing, poetry-writing squirrel. This book has just the right balance of sweetness, humor, action sequences and oddball characters to appeal to loads of young readers.